Miss Wainwright is the academy SENCO- she can be contacted by email: SEND@theallsaints.net
Students with Special Educational Needs are fully integrated within the academy. Those students who require additional support will be identified according to the SEND Code of Practice at either Education Health and Care Plan or SEN Support Plan level.
The Principal and wider Senior Leadership Team have an open-door culture and are
available to staff, students, and parents alike. The most recent SIAMS inspection report
states that the “staff go above and beyond what is expected of them in order that all
members of the community flourish”, highlighting the staff’s dedication and
commitment to inclusion. Staff feel that a comment made by a student during the SIAMS inspection
sums up life at the Academy: “everyone accepts you here but I have also learnt to accept myself”.
In addition to Quality First teaching, the SENCO and the SEND team provide bespoke support to students. The nature of this support is determined by the needs of the individual student. The support may involve TA support in lessons, preparing differentiated resources, additional pastoral support through the Bridge/PLC or advice from the SENCO. We also work with a range of external agencies to ensure appropriate support is in place for students with additional needs.
Rossington All Saints Academy was the first secondary school to achieve the Autism
Charter Award in Doncaster. This accolade recognises schools who meet, or exceed, the
35 criteria of the Autism Education Trust Standards. They achieved it at the highest
standard and John Broom, who leads the Local Authority Outreach service the ASCETS
(Autism and Social Communication Education and Training Service) Team, was
extremely complimentary of the “outstanding autism provision” at the Academy and
how the staff work collaboratively with him and his team to ensure all students in the
Academy are fully supported.
Students in KS3 and KS4 are placed on bespoke literacy intervention programmes based on GL assessment data, in order to raise standards in both reading and spelling.
All access arrangements for KS4 students are set on an individual basis and are as a result of testing to establish need.
The SENCO and the SEND team are responsible for providing support to other staff in the academy for students’ needs to be met. The nature of this support is specifically tailored and determined by the needs of the individual student or teaching group. The SENCO will involve the students, their parents/carers, their teachers and other necessary professionals in the planning of support. Educational Support Plans are shared with parents as we believe that our support at Rossington All Saints is more effective when we work together.
Staff attend weekly meetings which focus on the Academy’s key priorities but also a
comprehensive CPD programme on the main areas of developing teaching practice.
We communicate with parents and carers regularly through professional meetings, 1-2-1 meetings, via our SEND team, through school parents’ evenings and via School Gateway. All students on the SEND register are allocated a keyworker and have an Educational Support Plan which is shared to all staff to ensure that all staff are involved in supporting our students.
The SENCO also works closely with the local primary schools and the local authority to ensure that students are appropriately transitioned to us from our feeder schools.
Key Stage 2-3 transition procedures are another strength of inclusion at Rossington All
Saints Academy. A robust system which is consistently followed by all staff involved,
means that the level of information shared is second to none. The COVID-19 pandemic
did not impede their ability to ensure that the procedures continued.
The academy has achieved the IQM Inclusive School Award
The TA team also run an extra – curricular life skills club. Students take part in a range of activities, which provides them with an opportunity to develop life skills such as preparing food and drinks, following self – care routines, managing money, purchasing items from a shop, ordering food and drinks in restaurants as well as travel training. Throughout each activity students are also developing independence, confidence, communication and leadership skills.
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