Our Promise:
To ensure that young people are confident, employable and have the knowledge and skills to challenge received wisdom.
We will ensure children enjoy a curriculum and range of experiences that develops their aspirations, confidence, and independence. Enabling them to become active members of society with the skills confidence, knowledge and experience to actively engage in social debate and discussion.
How we will achieve this:
Deliver a wide and varied curriculum experience that engages pupils and students, supporting their gregarious and inquisitive interests. Ensuring that all children are provided access to a broad range of experiences and opportunities designed to develop character and resilience. | Deliver a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum that promotes, empathy, compassion, and understanding. Promote British values by active engagement. Moreover, develop a programme that gives pupils and students the scientific evaluative skills, confidence, knowledge and understanding, to engage in discourse and debate with those in authority. |
Establish a robust programme of independent careers advice that is underpinned by links with FE, HE and employers. | Establish good manners, reliability and punctuality. Underpin this in the first instance by a robust behaviour support and guidance system that also rewards those who succeed or improve. |
Secondary Pledges
One of the Trust’s main strategies is to ensure that all young people are confident, employable and have the knowledge, confidence and skills to challenge received wisdom through a wide range of experiences and broad curriculum. We are acutely aware that this cannot be achieved solely in the classroom, which is why we introduced the Delta Pledges system.
All of our Secondary Academies encourage students to gain as many ‘pledges’ as they can throughout years 7 to 11. Students are given examples of how to complete each pledge, making all pledges attainable at every level, at every Academy.
Our pledges are designed in a way to develop and assist students in gaining rounded experiences both in and out of the Academy in order for them to become respectable, considerate and worthy members of their community.
Each pledge is designed to be achievable, regardless of background and/or ability in order to ensure that all students benefit from the same experiences and opportunities: