The pedagogical approach of Teaching and Learning at Rossington All Saints Academy is based on Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction where he set out 10 key findings. These 10 principles are incorporated into our current practice and increase the quality of teaching and learning, whilst also improving outcomes for all students, rather than focusing solely on specific groups to the potential detriment of others.
Rosenshine’s 10 principles:
1. Begin the lesson with a review of previous learning.
2. Present new material in small steps.
3. Ask a large number of questions (and to all students).
4. Provide models and worked examples.
5. Practice using the new material.
6. Check for understanding frequently and correct errors.
7. Obtain a high success rate.
8. Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks.
9. Independent practice.
10. Monthly and weekly reviews.
There is a strong Teaching and Learning profile at Rossington All Saints Academy and this is reflected in the regular learning walks and lesson observations that are all part of the internal quality assurance processes. Regular pupil voice activities indicate that students enjoy their learning across the subjects and this is reflected in positive outcomes. Senior leaders with specific responsibility for teaching and learning work with a wider team to continuously drive up standards.
Formative Assessments
Formative assessment takes place on a day-to-day basis in all lessons, allowing teachers and pupils to assess attainment and progress more frequently. It begins with diagnostic assessment, indicating what is already known and what gaps may exist in skills or knowledge. Formative assessments may be undertaken using questioning, recall and retrieval tasks, low-stakes quizzes or more formal assessments. Often formative assessments may not be recorded however they will be used to inform planning.
Summative Assessments
Summative assessment are used to inform teachers of what a student has learnt at the end of a period of time/topic, relative to the learning aims and the relevant national standards. Summative assessments points are calendared throughout the academic year and are shared with students, staff and parents in advance. On completion of a summative assessments teachers produce Question Level Analysis (QLA) of pupils’ performance in different aspects of their learning, analyse the impact of their planning and teaching and intervene where misconceptions or underperformance are evident. Students are given the opportunity in lessons to reflect on their performance and improve their work. The outcome of summative assessments are used to inform conversations at weekly RAG meetings with senior leaders, heads of department and learning managers. Teachers use summative assessments to make teacher predictions which are communicated to parents.
The purpose of the Key Stage 3 assessments is to test the knowledge, skills and understanding pupils have acquired and retained in their learning since the beginning of the academic year. Each assessment (December and June) tests what has been learnt by pupils up to that point in the academic year. Pupils are given back their marked assessments so they have a record of their strengths and weaknesses.
Formal Assessment Points at Key Stage 4 are marked, moderated, graded and benchmarked against other pupils’ performance in schools across the Trust. This provides additional insight into each pupils’ performance when compared to a large sample of pupils nationally and helps to inform their learning and any additional interventions needed moving forward.
Reporting to Parents
All students will receive reports twice a year in January and July, reports are sent home electronically by the school gateway app. KS3 students will receive an effort grade and a percentage from their KS3 assessment. KS4 students will receive an effort grade and an end of KS4 prediction.
Teachmeets and CPD
Our staff are regularly given opportunities to share best practice. Colleagues disseminate ideas during Tuesday briefings and the focus is always on practical ideas to engage students and develop pedagogy. We have a rich and diverse training programme for staff development and teaching and learning is always at the forefront.
Teacher Toolkit
Staff have access to an online resource bank of learning tools and games which can be adapted to the different subject areas. This has been a welcome addition to classroom practice and we are always trying to embrace new technology to enhance the learning experience.
Skilled practitioners have been appointed as teaching and learning coaches to support colleagues with specific areas for development. This new initiative has proven successful and all staff are encouraged to develop themselves continually.
Quality Assurance
In line with Ofsted practice we no-longer grade lessons, however, we have a rigorous quality assurance programme involving leaders at all levels. Included in the process are lesson drop-ins, teacher voice, student voice and book sampling alongside formal lesson observations.
Teaching School
Our Academy trains many staff new to the profession including School Direct and PGCE students. A programme of development is available for both trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers who work alongside mentors.