Curriculum Flexibility
At Rossington All Saints Academy we follow a 3 year Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) and then a 2 year Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). At the end of Year 9, students opt for subjects that they will study in Years 10 and 11 and they complete those subjects by the end of Year 11. We offer a wide range of both subjects and qualifications which will cater for all needs from creative and technical qualifications to more academic and health related courses. Students will follow a course that best suits their abilities and could include: GCSEs, BTEC and Cambridge National or Technical certificates. We design our curriculum around each individual child and it is, therefore, a bespoke curriculum. Pupils can access additional support where needed which is not available at home, and over the five years they can study a wide range of subjects, keeping their future career options open and supporting them into further employment, education or training. The impact of this model on the most disadvantaged has been overwhelmingly positive, with disadvantaged pupils making more progress than “other” children in Doncaster in 2019 and closing the gap with national others to perform in the second quintile for disadvantaged nationally.
Promoting the EBacc
As the quality of teaching has improved so has the uptake of History or Geography plus Spanish. This combination of subjects is offered to all pupils, regardless of ability and has grown in popularity. There are currently 39% of pupils in Year 11 following an EBacc pathway and this is an improving trend. From September 2021 63% of Year 10 have chosen this pathway.
Supporting Individual Needs
The Bridge is a provision in the academy where pupils suffering from physical or mental health difficulties can be taught in a smaller setting. Pupils working in The Bridge follow their normal timetable and work is provided by their subject teachers.
The Personalised Learning Centre is a provision which supports pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Pupils in the PLC also follow a broad curriculum but access more personal development opportunities in order to support their return to the mainstream setting.
We have eleven learning support assistants, a literacy Co-ordinator and two Higher Level Teaching Assistants and are in receipt of inclusion funding from the local authority to provide additional staffing which enables pupils with SEND to follow a full curriculum pathway in a mainstream setting.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leader provides pupils with access to a range of external agency support. School nurses visit every week and run drop in clinics, we also work with EPIC to pre-empt young offenders, Project 3 offers support with sexualised and/or drug taking behaviours. We also access and signpost support for Young Carers, Parenting and Family support, CAMHS and Doncaster Children’s Service Trust mentoring. We are part of the NHS Mental Health trailblazer project “With Me In Mind”.